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Blossom Word Game

Blossom Word Game is a fun word puzzle game that challenges you to create 12 words using letters displayed on the flower.

How to play Blossom Word Game

You will see a flower with 6 petals and a center on the main game’s screen.

You start by entering a word; you should start with shorter words, simply click on the petal and center or type on your keyboard (can delete incorrect cases).

Then press the Enter button to check.

Game Scores

- Each 4-letter word scores 2 points, 5 letters = 4 points, 6 letters = 6 points, 7 letters = 12 points, each additional letter = +3 points.

- You earn +5 points when you use the petal outlined in yellow that contains a bonus letter.

- If you find a pangram (A word that uses all the Blossom letters), you will win 24 extra points.

Blossom Word Game Rules

Words must consist of at least 4 letters.

Words must include the center letter.

Create words using letters from the flower

Words can use the same letters multiple times.

The score increases as the length of the words increases.

Blossom Word Game is a pleasant game in the word games that is enjoyed by many cultures and all ages. It is available every day and allows for unlimited play. Let's play to expand your vocabulary.

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